Now showing items 1-5 of 5

    • Csengeri, T.; Weiss, A.; Wyrowski, F.; Menten, K.; Urquhart, J.; Leurini, S.; Schuller, F.; Beuther, H.; Bontemps, S.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Henning, Thomas; Schneider, N. (EDP SCIENCES, 2016)
      Context. Sensitive ground-based submillimeter surveys, such as ATLASGAL, provide a global view on the distribution of cold dense gas in the Galactic plane at up to two-times better angular-resolution compared to recent ...
    • Giannetti, A.; Wyrowski, Friedrich; Leurini, S.; Urquhart, J.; Csengeri, T.; Menten, K. M.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Van der Tak, F. F. S. (EDP Sciences, 2015)
      Context. Infrared dark clouds are the coldest and densest portions of giant molecular clouds. The most massive ones represent some of the most likely birthplaces for the next generation of massive stars in the Milky Way. ...
    • Santangelo, G.; Testi, L.; Leurini, S.; Walmsley, C. M.; Cesaroni, R.; Bronfman Aguiló, Leonardo; Carey, S.; Gregorini, L.; Menten, K. M.; Molinari, S.; Noriega Crespo, A.; Olmi, L.; Schuller, F. (ESO, 2010-06-03)
      Context. Although current facilities allow the study of Galactic star formation at high angular resolution, our current understanding of the high-mass star-formation process is still very poor. In particular, we still ...
    • Jones, P. A.; Burton, M. G.; Cunningham, M. R.; Requena Torres, M. A.; Menten, K. M.; Schilke, P.; Belloche, A.; Leurini, S.; Martín Pintado, J.; Ott, Jürgen; Walsh, A. J. (2012)
      We have mapped 20 spectral lines in the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ) around the Galactic Centre, emitting from 85.3 to 93.3 GHz. This work used the 22-m Mopra radio telescope in Australia, equipped with the 8-GHz bandwidth ...
    • Schuller, F.; Urquhart, J. S.; Csengeri, T.; Colombo, D.; Duarte Cabral, A.; Mattern, M.; Ginsburg, A.; Pettitt, A. R.; Wyrowski, F.; Anderson, L.; Azagra, F.; Barnes, P.; Beltran, M.; Beuther, H.; Billington, S.; Bronfman Aguilo, Leonardo Jaime; Cesaroni, R.; Dobbs, C.; Eden, D.; Lee, M. Y.; Medina, S. N. X.; Menten, K. M.; Moore, T.; Montenegro Montes, F. M.; Ragan, S.; Rigby, A.; Riener, M.; Russeil, D.; Schisano, E.; Sánchez Monge, A.; Traficante, A.; Zavagno, A.; Agurto, C.; Bontemps, S.; Finger, R.; Giannetti, A.; González, E.; Hernández, A. K.; Henning, T.; Kainulainen, J.; Kauffmann, J.; Leurini, S.; López, S.; Mac-Auliffe, F.; Mazumdar, P.; Molinari, S.; Motte, F.; Muller, E.; Nguyen Luong, Q.; Parra, R.; Pérez Beaupuits, J. P.; Schilke, P.; Schneider, N.; Suri, S.; Testi, L.; Torstensson, K.; Veena, V. S.; Venegas, P.; Wang, K.; Wienen, M. (Oxford University Press, 2021)
      The SEDIGISM (Structure, Excitation and Dynamics of the Inner Galactic InterstellarMedium) survey used the APEX telescope to map 84 deg2 of the Galactic plane between = −60◦ and +31◦ in several molecular transitions, ...